Official Statement Regarding the JALARC

Hoke County issued $50 million in bonds to construct the James Leach Aquatic and Recreation Center. While the county realized about $4.2 million in savings by refunding prior financing, most funds went toward construction.
The facility (hopefully) will become an asset to the community; however, left out of the discussion until recently was how to fund operations properly. We are now told that operating the facility will require approximately $100,000 monthly. We are glad that after campaigning for two years on admission and use is free, the Commissioners have implemented a fee schedule for users, totaling $650.00 yearly for a family of five. This funding will alleviate some of the financial burden imposed on Hoke County taxpayers, it’s doubtful the facility will be self-sustaining, but any relief to the taxpayer is welcomed.
As the County Commissioners have now “officially” showcased the facility to the public, we, the Hoke County GOP, want to reiterate our position on priorities for the county. First is education; we must invest more in our crumbling school infrastructure; kids shouldn’t attend class alongside pests and environmental hazards. The county must invest more in our per-pupil spending to attract and retain high-quality teaching staff. The Commissioners will tell you that the State pays teachers; we say that is a shirking of responsibility. The Board frequently touts that it “goes after” and receives large sums of Grant money. Common sense would dictate that with capital expenses being paid with Grants, the money received from the Hoke County taxpayer should be sufficient to provide our teachers stipends and bonuses and assist them in purchasing basic school supplies for teaching our children. Next, infrastructure should be a priority for the Board of Commissioners. We must develop our commercial and industrial zones to attract Corporations and businesses to provide high-quality jobs and market-equivalent wages for our residents. The rapid population growth has led to an explosive increase in the need for Public Services, thus leading to an ever-increasing local government. The government should not and is not the largest employer in a community with a well-balanced economy. We must balance our economy to benefit all Hoke County residents. The role of government is not to create jobs but to create an environment that entices job creators to launch in our community.
We hope that now that the excitement and anticipation of the new Recreation Center have peaked, the Commissioners will focus on funding and implementing projects that bring employment and a high standard of living for all Hoke County residents. We, the Hoke County Republican Party, will continue to be at the forefront of the discussion of improving Hoke County for the benefit of all Hoke County residents—current and future. We look forward to the future and what significant accomplishments Hoke County can achieve with properly focused leadership and hope that our current administration can meet the challenge.
*Note: To cover estimated operating expenses at the proposed user fee rates, 1,818 families (x2 adults-x3 children = 9,090 people) must sign up for the monthly membership plan. That is on top of the portion of your taxes that will be used to cover the deficit.
-Hoke County Republican Party Executive Committee